The Animal Friendly app helps you choose food, clothing, cosmetics and hygiene products with better animal welfare.The app contains four different consumer guides:Hygiene and cosmeticsHere you get Norways best overview of which brands distance themselves from animal testing and which do not. Each brand has been given a smiley face – green or red – based on their stance on animal testing. You can also click on the brand itself to see more information about their position. Certification with the Cruelty Free label gives you the best security against animal testing, and is marked with a separate logo.Clothing - fur and woolHere you will find Norways best overview of which clothing brands and stores do not sell real fur and which clothing brands sell wool with better animal welfare. Each brand has been given a smiley face – green, yellow or red – according to their position when it comes to fur or wool. You can also click on the brand itself to see more information about their positions.Meat, eggs and dairyHere you will find Norways best overview of meat, egg and dairy products ranked by animal welfare. Each product or brand has been given a smiley face - green, yellow or red - depending on how good the individual producer is when it comes to animal welfare. Certification with the Dyrevernmarket gives you the best security for better animal welfare, and is marked with a separate logo.Plant Based - Vegetarian and VeganHere you will find Norways best overview of vegetarian and vegan products. You can look up your favorite store and see what selection they have, or you can look up your favorite product and see where you have to go to buy it. The list distinguishes between vegetarian and vegan products using a V logo, which makes it easy to find your way around.